Tuesday, May 29, 2007

~~GeRgaSi KotA KiAn MerAkuS~~

Bila langit nampak meganya
Aku dibawa ke angkasa
Menyauk kepulan awan
Berpaut pada segi bintang
Memeluk bulan indah
Sambil di panah terik mentari

Bila laut mula menyimbah pantai
Aku dijemput duyung
Menyelami dasar lautan
Bersenda sama kuda laut
Menunggang paus gebu
Sambil dikejar sotong cemburu

Bila padi mula menguning
Aku disapa burung pipit
Bersenda di balik petak rapi
Di sebalik orang sawah tertawa girang
Angin segar memeluk mesra
Sambil melihat tikus di baham pungguk

Bila langkah atur ke kota
Aku diterjah penghuni gila
Kenderaan bermotor berlumba lumba
Manusianya juga dipanah kesibukkan kerja
Tiada tenang riak di muka
Wang bisa beli segala
Tiba masa pusat hiburan muafakat bermula
Aku terkebil melihat rakus mereka
Sambil melihat generasi hilang budaya

Bulan temanilah daku
Lautan bermanjalah bersamaku
Bintang tidurkan daku
Pelangi bermainlah bersamaku
Matahari sinarilah daku
Awan selubungilah ketakutanku
Gergasi kota kian merakus


Anonymous said...

hi sorry cant help it but i think u ougt to rephrase words that u used as yr tagline or motto....sorry again..but i love ur poems..u can go far babe

Anonymous said...

sorry ougt should be spelled as ought typo error..all the best babe

Marini Kamal said...

wut do u mean by repharse? Wuts wrong with it? Anyway, thanks for dropping by reading my poems

typo error? which one?

Anonymous said...

I believe tommorow is just a dream where we couldn't hope much,today is the reality for working smart to survive. What had done just left it behind but make sure today it won't bothering your life. Stand on your feet and walk through what your heart tells. That's me!

i believe tomorrow is just a vague dream we couldn't rely on for today is the reality for future's survival. let bygone be bygone and not distractions that binds your life. stand up and follow where your heart leads to a never ending journey called life. for life is to appreciate not suffocates.

jgn marah ni my opinion yg typo error tu my mistake not yours..selamat berkarya ya dik..u ada bakat dan kbolehan jgn disiakan.....take care ...